Lors de son discours à l’Assemblée, mardi, le Premier ministre François Bayrou a qualifié d’« humiliation » et de « faute » certaines inspections d’agents de l’OFB armés chez des agriculteurs. Depuis, la colère ne redescend pas.
This article reports on a crisis at the French Office of Biodiversity (OFB) following criticism of its agents by Prime Minister François Bayrou.
Main Idea: Syndicates of OFB agents are calling for a strike of all controls, particularly those targeting farmers, due to Bayrou's public condemnation of certain inspections as "humiliating" and a "failing". The government is calling for "calming" the situation, but tensions remain high.
This article reports on a crisis at the French Office of Biodiversity (OFB) following criticism of its agents by Prime Minister François Bayrou. Main Idea: Syndicates of OFB agents are calling for a strike of all controls, particularly those targeting farmers, due to Bayrou's public condemnation of certain inspections as "humiliating" and a "failing". The government is calling for "calming" the situation, but tensions remain high.